Qi Men Dun Jia Training – 6 Countries via Zoom by Dougles Chan (Sample)

Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk6x0jlX96c  A new job opportunity is presented to you and it is a very good job offer, should you go for it? As a normal, what we need to do is to see where the answer is. The answer is over here, in Hour stem: This is Bing. We need to find where …

Qimen Forecasting – Biz collaboration, should I go for it?

Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0-L6fPAN0I Do you know that you can use Qi Men Dun Jia to decide whether to do an investment or not? Hi, my name is Dougles Chan. I am a Qi Men Dun Jia master. I was invited to a business venture and apparently this is kind of a collaboration for a couple …

Qi Men Dun Jia Course Preview on Business Divinations

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ea-VzMIe9M Let’s look at the question. There are 2 people: Mr. King and Mrs. Xiao. Mr. King approached Mrs. Xiao that he has someone invested in his coffee cafe and he is open to another investor to join him for the coffee cafe investment. Mrs. Xiao is a very good friend of Mr. King …

Qimen Life Analysis by Dougles Chan – Qimen Teacher (Live Class in Action)

Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr_7xa65hvU  This is a reference to “Ding”.  “Ding is in box 4 and box 6: So immediately you can see that these both “Ding” are opposite, which means this is a Fanyin chart. What does the Fanyin chart mean? We will go to that later but let us look at the information. The …


As with any subject, at a certain stage, when encountering a difficult topic or just because of the long study time, boredom, and loss of motivation to study. The same is true of the Qi Men Dun Jia. So why don’t you find yourself a companion to study this metaphysics with you? This friend will …

Qi Men Dun Jia divination 

Western restaurant investment, to invest or not to invest? Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt9eEsuI82I&t=23s Welcome to Qi Men Dun Jia. This is Dougles Chan again. We are going to talk about this Qi Men divination in this case study related to Western restaurant investment, which the client wants to invest in.  Let’s go straight to the case …

Someone is Borrowing $10,000 from you, should you lend him? – Using QMDJ to read the chart

Link video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6sa6xdOQUw  Hello, welcome to Qi Men Dun Jia. This is Dougles Chan, I am a Qimen teacher internationally. Today, we are going to talk about this particular case whereby somebody is going to borrow money from you. This is a 10-year relationship. This is not really a best friend, just a common friend. …

The Distinction of Bazi and Feng Sui

If Feng Shui were that simple, everyone would be wealthy.” But who said Feng Shui was only about attracting wealth? Suppose Feng Shui can create millionaires or billionaires, as many believe. In that case, it must be the most incredible get-rich scheme ever devised. And all of the world’s Feng Shui masters should be billionaires. …