What are the problems that you will face when you want to learn Qi Men Dun Jia?
Okay, I have taught hundreds and hundreds of people in the Qi Men Dun Jia, even for the basics or even the advanced levels. I also have advanced disciples. I have a total of 13 people under my wings, and apparently, I have gone through a lot of classes, and I’ve noticed some of the problems that I can share with you so that as a student or perhaps a potential student, next time you’re able to see what are the things that you can look into, focus on, or even avoid so that you can make a lot of difference in terms of learning Qi Men Dun Jia.
But first things first, is not an easy subject to learn. So apparently, because of that, you need to be going into bite-sized information and chew on them. It’s very important that the learning of this Humanity you always have to focus on this particular rule, the 80/20 rule.. The rule means that 80% of the time, you have to do practical, allow case studies, and then 20% of the time is theory and information. That means the knowledge that you acquire through my site or any other way, you have to use this knowledge to remember to familiarize yourself with the process and the system.
From there, you also have to put all your effort continuously and consistently into practice. Not just case studies, but actual case studies. That means you talk to your friends, your family members, your colleagues, whoever is willing to become a case for you. That means they are willing to say, ‘Okay, I have some problems, I want to read some Destiny readings,’ and so on and so forth. Approach them, and then you become their mentor, become their consultant to help them in their way of doing things, whether decision-making, life direction, and so on and so forth. These are the things that you can help in the Qi Men Dun Jia.
After that, another area of focus that you need to understand about this is not just a science; it’s an art. It’s something very mystical. You need to focus on two areas of the subject itself. First is the size. The size is every information that is a specific step of doing things. After learning the step itself, you memorize it or familiarize it. Do it. After that, you just go through that motion, and you’re able to learn that particular step.
The second thing is art. It is something mystical, whereby whatever information you have in your brain, you have to expand. You have to do a bit of imagination, and perhaps, based on the case itself, you can expand based on different areas. So it’s a little bit difficult to explain, whereby without any case study. In the end of the day, when you see a certain symbol together, that means whether it’s a stem or branch together, or even the doors, the gods, even the stars, when you combine them together in a specific scientific term, it means something. But in the artistic term, it means something else.
Within the stems and the chord and the branches itself, there are also elements inside. So when the elements stack together, when they combine together, it can also mean different things. So it’s a matter of how you expand that meaning into something tangible. So that’s where things get a little bit more confusing. People who are very systematic, very mechanical, they like to do step by step, they are not able to go into that artistic and creative side, whereby they are stuck into that area.
That is where this needs a bit of training. It still can be done, but it depends on the potential of the person. If the person is creative enough, definitely they are able to expand and imagine things which people may not be able to imagine. That’s why when ten people learn Qi Men Dun Jia, I mean, when we talk about the bit to higher level, ten people that learn from this, ten people will give a different answer, comparatively to the same question. You see, that’s how interesting things can be.
But when I say the answer, I mean the depth of the answer. I’m not talking about the direction. The direction, at the most ideal, will be the same. But ultimately, the things that you see within the chart, they can expand and look into more deeper and sharper information, so that we can base on the context of that particular chart to tell us what is really going on in the chart, you see? So it’s not about a yes or no question. In a simple case, is that okay, shall we invest in this? Should we go for this, you know, those kinds of things? Easy.
But when we go into that, we must also know why is it a yes, why is it a no? Sometimes a yes does not mean it’s a real yes, and a no doesn’t mean it’s a real no. So it’s a matter of what is the intent and the context behind the scene. Once you understand all this, then you’ll be able to know what is really happening in the whole situation.
To learn Qi Men Dun Jia https://dougleschan.com/qi-men-dun-jia-apprentice-course/