He who knows 奇门遁甲 Qi Men Dun Jia and Applies it correctly will have an unfair advantage in Life, Business & Investments. Dougles Chan – The ShifuIn the modern days, Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 is used to predicate the outcome of the question, understand a person character and life, choosing the RIGHT time to execute a plan or activities. In some instant, it also combined Feng Shui to maximize the positive energy for the benefits of the users. In a nutshell, with Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲, one will be able to enhance the best energy, choosing the right timing, optimize the results and more importantly, forecast the possible results of the question. It is like an IMPORTANT COMPASS, to show you the best direction to go and maximize the potential for oneself, however, bearing in mind that it is only a COMPASS, there is no 100% guarantees that it will work if one do not take positive action on the compass direction. There is still the element of Heaven, Earth and People that will determined the outcome of the event.
What is Qi Men Dun Jia
奇门遁甲 Qi Men Dun Jia is an ancient Chinese metaphysics with long history of 5000 years that originated from China.
5,000 year ago, Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 was used the Chinese emperors to fight battles and wars in those days. The Chinese empire had guarded the secrets very closely. Such “Art and Science of 奇门遁甲 was never revealed and used by the common people in those days and was never allow to do so. Any common people seen having or using it will be beheaded.
After thousands years of evolving generations after generation, it was enhance to be used in forecasting of events, life and modern applications.