How Bazi Reading & Bazi Analysis can help Your Career, Business, Relationship & life

This article is for people who does not know anything about Bazi Reading (Beginners Stage)

Many people, especially Chinese believes that accurate bazi reading singapore and Bazi analysis will be helpful in crafting their career, life and business.

In this article, we will cover some of the things you would need to know about bazi reading and Bazi analysis.

Bazi Reading is also known as Eight Character Reading using bazi chart interpretation, in Chinese is called 八字算命.

Bazi reading is commonly known as fortune telling for laymen, the correct words should be called Bazi Reading.

Sometimes, the Bazi consultants or bazi masters called it Bazi Analysis aka bazi personality analysis using bazi chart which could be a more in-depth version of a bazi consultation.

The normal practice is that they will based on your date of birth and time (生辰八字), and based on the specific information of your birth date and time, it will tabulate a series of complicated information which only people who have learned accurate bazi reading singapore will understands.

The bazi consultant, or bazi master will decipher the information and tabulate a series of information for you. It can be tabulated from a bazi calculator, an app or generated manually. (Yes, the technology is so advanced now that many are web based or app based.)

A sample of a bazi chart that is filled with Chinese characters, Chinese Astrology and the 5 elements.

Once the information is generated, the person that reads and analysis your Bazi will share with your some information about your character, your strong point and weakness, the information can be pretty general but it helps in certain aspect. In is not as precise as Qimen bazi reading, but it is good enough.

The information generated will also gives you the life cycle based on yearly and the bigger picture of every 10 years. Yes, the information can be general also which may not be too helpful if the information is too general.

If you notice the chart above, there are a few words such as “Wood”, “Metel”, Water”, etc, these are the 5 elements and the Bazi consultant will be able to based on that to derive your luck or fortune based on a set of formula.

Depending on the combination of the 5 elements, there will be various different outcome and information generated from the birth date and time.

How can Bazi reading and Bazi Analysis Helps in Your Career.

Based on your birth and time (生辰八字). we will be able to determine what element you belong to and what element of career will be helpful to you, meaning that every element will have a list of potential career you can go for so that you will shine and prospers in your career. There are a huge list of career for each element, there are a total of 5 elements, namely:

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Metal
  • Fire
  • Wood

Each of them will have a list of potential career you should go for, you will need to know which element that will HELP you (produce). If you choose the wrong element or the bazi consultant made a mistake and gives you the wrong information, that your career will likely to be not so smooth and will meet with possible huge obstacles.

By using bazi reading, we are also able to see if you are suitable to be working for people or more suitable to work as your own boss, once you are able to align to the best “job” or “being your own boss”, your ability to shine and prosper will likely to happen.

How can Bazi reading and Bazi Analysis Helps in Your Business.

Interesting, basing on Bazi reading, we are able to understands a persons character pretty well, especially if we were to use Qimen Bazi Reading, this allow us to see the strength of the person and from there, we know whether he or she is suitable to be a leader, a salesperson, a manager or even just an operation person, we can even see if the person is suitable to run their own business!

When we know all these information, we are able to allocate the correct resource (Human resources) to the right position so that the person can excel.

Another benefit it that we are able to see the employee whether it is able to HELP the company (The boss) or not able to help the company before we even hire the person.

If you notice, sometime when we hire a person, we are not able to get along with the employee and they just not able to produce or not cooperative, in the world of metaphysics under the 5 elements, this is a “clash.”

Such information are important as all companies will need the best people to run and operate the company or even having a great salesperson will make alot of difference! But when you hire the wrong person, you will have problems in the company when the person is around.

It is all about ENERGY.

How can Bazi reading and Bazi Analysis Helps in Your Relationship

In bazi reading, we are able to identify that everyone belongs to ONE category, which is also called ‘”Element” so depending on the element, and where your element is located in the 9 palaces, we will be able to see a relationship between YOU and the other person.

So, whether you are talking about friends, spouses, relationship of any type, once we see the Bazi of you and the other person, we will be able to see if the relationship will be harmonious, fighting or neutral.

At such, especially if you are looking for a long term relationship or getting married, it is best to see whether your bazi is compatible or not.

If there is a “clash” then we may not recommend the marriage to happen, although you still have the choice to decide to go ahead. The finally outcome will have high chance of getting a divorce in time to come.

How Bazi Reading & Bazi Analysis can help your life

In life, there are cycles, and the cycles will cover many things, such as character, activities, relationship management, career, business, profits, etc… the list goes on.

There are certain things that will happen again and again, it could be more, it could be less, but if we were to know that the “not so great” things that are always happening in your life, then we are able to manage them well and minimise the damage.

Take for example, if we know that we are a “rush” person and would like to make decision fast, such activities will likely to create more problems than positive outcome. Sometimes, we take it as we are decisive, but it reality inside, it is a rush decision.

In Bazi Analysis, we are able to identify such character.

Once we are more mindful about such character, we will intentionally delay the decision and likely it will have a better outcome compared to a rush decision.

Another example:

Based on one of my client, I know that she is already “spending money heavily” and she will generate ‘heavy profits” and the cycle will continue in her life regardless of what happen. Hence after I informed her about it, she confirmed that there were many rounds of spending money and at the same time “heavy profits” which is out of control which she does not understand why.

Once I have identify this vicious cycle, I taught her a few methods to keep the money safe and saved so that the outflow will be much lesser compared to her “heavy profits.”

After engaging on my recommendation, she is a much happier person with plenty of saving in her bank.

Well, you see, people who believes in Bazi reading or Bazi Analysis, if they were to apply the concept correctly, they are able to help their life in terms of profits, business, relationships and career.

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